Armghan come to home from office. Honey was sitting with her grandmother . grandmother called armghan come here son sit down near to me i want talk to you. Armghan pointed to honey and said: she is , "son you are also our son. come and sit with me." At the same time, Grandmother said, "Asma ' has called you both . You two go to there for a feast and honey heart will be filled , He looked at honey with anger.

Nano bechari was upset. Honey asked Armghan was so good before marriage. Now he are always angry. Nono you arranged my marriage in such a way that honey asked with anger. He loved with another girl honey said , nano was suprised to listened honey no daughter there is no such thing nano told honey , that she wanted honey little brains to stop talking like that form now on. "Dont stay away from me now. I also live in the same house and i understand everything,"she said" . The next day nano and nana jan planned they were going to a relative's house. They told armghan and asked him to take care off honey after them. Take her with you, I dont't have time to take care off her ,Armghan said with angrily. Nano jan had left home because after his departure, Armghan may have take care off honey But let them go Honey condtion became very bad. Armghan scolded honey and sent her away to saperate room .Honay alawys crying. Armghan did not want to treat honey bad behaviour but as he see hony he bacame anger. One day armghan came home from the office Honey was sitting on the steps . Honey scarf came under armghan feet so armghan shouted loudly what are you doing here and don't come in front off me wearing such clothes. quit, shouted Armghan angrily. Honey started crying and armghan left from there.
After some days ,when armghan came home from office honey sitting near the flowers in the lawn Armghan said to honey" make a cup off coffee, you know how to make coffee or doesn't know,honey think a moment that she would refused, but but then she went to make coffee, and when she went to Armghan room to take coffee." to give him coffee Armghan was asleep Honey yelled at armghan , maan take coffee armghan was sleep, Honey put her hand on aarmghan arm and lifted him, Armghan take coffee . Sho Armghan shouted angrily , "Go to hell. Honey came out off the room with tears and Armghan sat down holding his head." He did not miss any opportunity to scold honey But he did not want to treat honey like that . Honey had called nano many times and told her about armghan's behaviour but nano kept asking her. she asked nano evertime to come but nano had not come yet.
one day armghan came to home from office Honey aunt's(phupho) came to see her She was distrub at the new look off honey. As armghan came to home , She started taking Armghan's class.
Good word